Printing masks non-woven

Our printed mask non - woven fabric not only can be 2 in the p必威精装下载approduction of masks,But braking a wide range of other USES of medical/health care.As to the disposable medical supplies,The disposable bed sheets,Surgical thanks,Protective clothing,Surgical covers,The hats,Shoe covers,Medical curtains, ETC.

The Specification of printed mask non - betway必威推荐代码woven fabrics

Mesh-It is normally expressed in terms of weave density(Or number of fibers).Mesh count is expressed in two ways:As the number of fibers in one inch(254 cm);And as the number of fibers in one centimeter.
The Diameter-The Diameter expresses the Diameter of the non - woven fibers.
Opening-Opening refers to the space between fibers and is calculated from the number of fibers and the diameter.
Opening area percentage-The Amount of the process1Mesh area takenup by opening(space)Area expressed a percentage.

How marketers from non - woven fabric and wovebetway必威推荐代码n fabrics?

Non - woven fabric is made from many company's materials,To the as rayon,cotton,And polypropylene. However,One of the most important differences between printed mask non - woven fabric and other types of fabric is the way it is made.
1.Nonwoven fabric is created by bonding the fibers together using heat,pressure,Or a chemical agent.
2.This differs from woven fabric,Which is made by has the individual threads together.

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